YMC 總部位於日本京都,是 HPLC 領域之世界級領先公司,擁有世界一流的研發實力,特別是在製藥和生物技術領域。透過遍布全球的子公司網絡,可協助客戶尋找解決方案並利用研究工作帶來新的發現。




Content Download
Introduction 797KB
1. Column Selection Guide 5.49MB
2. Ion Exchange Columns and Media 5.63MB
3. Size Exclusion Columns 1.71MB
4. Hydrophobic Interaction Chromatography Column 1.23MB
5. Hybrid Silica Based Columns 13.85MB
6. Chiral Separation Columns and Packing Materials 3.96MB
7. Core-Shell Columns 1.62MB
8. Reversed-Phase Columns 3.19MB
9. Normal-Phase Columns 1.45MB
10. Nano-LC/Micro-LC Columns 1.62MB
11. Preparative Columns 2.39MB
12. Supercritical Fluid Chromatography (SFC) Columns 1.40MB
13. Packing Materials 4.35MB
14. Sample Pretreatment, Accessories 2.77MB
15. Preparative LC Systems 9.62MB
16. Flow Reactor 1.28MB
17. Contract Services 1.40MB
18. Handling Products 985KB